Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Cabinet, Wednesday, 27th June, 2018 6.00 pm (Item 137.)


The Cabinet received a presentation which set out the recommendations of the Task and Finish Group established by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee following their review of the Financial Strategy.


The Task and Finish Group had considered the following elements and the basis of the assumptions underpinning them:-


·       External Funding – Government Tariff payments, Business Rates, New Homes Grant

·       Expenditure pressures

·       Savings plans – a) Corporate b) Service specific



1)     A written response to each of the recommendations made by the Task and Finish Group in the report be given by the beginning of September to allow the response to be considered at the October meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

2)     A challenge/scrutiny session with Portfolio holders be agreed. This could be achieved by the Portfolio Holders discussing with Overview and Scrutiny members their draft budgets that will be presented to the PAGs. Part of this process could include the extent to which they have taken on board the recommendations of the Task and Finish Group.

3)     That the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee establish a Work Programme which couldinclude a review of all Joint Service arrangements to clarify whether the project outcomes have been achieved and to monitor new joint working programmes e.g. Customer Experience Strategy and ICT Strategy.



The Cabinet received a presentation which set out the recommendations of the Task and Finish Group established by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee following their review of the Financial Strategy. The Director of Resources reported that over the next few years the Council could face a funding gap because of the reduction in Government funding to local authorities.


The Task and Finish Group had considered the following elements and the basis of the assumptions underpinning them:-


·       External Funding – Government Tariff payments, Business Rates, New Homes Grant

·       Expenditure pressures

·       Savings plans – a) Corporate b) Service specific


Cabinet noted the need to maximise income from the New Homes Bonus/Business Rates Retention Scheme and in particular whether the Council should adopt a more enabling approach to encouraging housing and business growth in the District. Reference was made to the recent development in Pinewood which produced the highest business rates and also further development was expected.


One of the recommendations related to Cabinet reviewing the use of recycling facilities in car parks as this space could generate extra income. The Cabinet Member for Environment made reference to a public consultation which was being carried out in the Autumn on recycling facilities which would support this recommendation.


In relation to the recommendation relating to the development of Consilio, Cabinet Members recognised that it was an ambitious programme and that it was important that it was resourced appropriately to ensure the right professional advice could be given on increasing returns and taking advantage of market opportunities.


The report asked for a response in writing to each of the recommendations referred to in the presentation by the beginning of September to allow the response to be considered at the October meeting of the Committee.


The Leader expressed his thanks to the Members of the Financial Strategy Task and Finish Group for their Inquiry work and the thorough nature of their investigation. He commented that Cabinet Members would look at the recommendations in more detail to report back in the Autumn. A Cabinet Member commented that it would be helpful to have some timelines from officers of when future strategies would be discussed at Cabinet so that this could be fed back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



1)     A written response to each of the recommendations made by the Task and Finish Group in the report be given by the beginning of September to allow the response to be considered at the October meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

2)     A challenge/scrutiny session with Portfolio holders be agreed. This could be achieved by the Portfolio Holders discussing with Overview and Scrutiny members their draft budgets that will be presented to the PAGs. Part of this process could include the extent to which they have taken on board the recommendations of the Task and Finish Group.

3)     That the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee establish a Work Programme which couldinclude a review of all Joint Service arrangements to clarify whether the project outcomes have been achieved and to monitor new joint working programmes e.g. Customer Experience Strategy and ICT Strategy.


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